
Thanks to Matthias Mangold and Sebastian Heck, a parallel Daily Confession site has been stood up, in German (Täglich bekennen), and it is totally sweet!

If anybody else out there wants to stand up a site in any other language (the Belgic Confession was originally written in French, you know), I’d be ecstatic to share the Perl resources I developed for this project; just drop a comment and I’ll get in touch.

2 Responses to “Deutsch”

  1. Dear brother/sister

    my site, in Italian, also contains all the Reformed Confessions of Faith and it would be great if it would be connected with your system and having daily excerpts from them.
    Let me know how we could arrange that.

    Kind regards, Revd Paolo E. Castellina

  2. RubeRad Says:

    That’s fantastic! I’ll send you an email offline and we’ll see what we can do to put together “Quotidiana Confessioni”

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